Thursday, February 18, 2016

Learning the Basics of Social Media Optimisation: Connecting People

Getting your brand, business name or event into the public eye used to be a daunting task, but social media has made advertising much more accessible even to smaller groups. Social Media Optimisation is the process of using these giant online media hubs as a tool to advertise your business via the multiple avenues which include:
1. Facebook
2. Twitter
3. LinkedIn
4. Pinterest

SMO goes hand-in-hand with SEO and should be a primary consideration when trying to get potential clients to visit your website. SMO can either be a paid or unpaid source of advertising depending upon your needs; it has the goal of creating trust, intrigue and a community feel within your brand in order to move potential clients toward the website and therefore sealing the deal.

SMO gives you the opportunity to stake yourself as an expert in your field, to gain feedback from your peers and customers alike and open a dialogue with potential clients which could eventually lead to sales. SMO without a website is like a car without wheels; it has all the workings it needs to run--the relationships, advertising and trust--but with nowhere to use them or nowhere for the customer to spend their money.

SMO has a set of rules which are important to adhere to and it includes participating in conversations, being real and not forgetting your roots. The rules also state that it is important to be a useful resource, to reward regular participants and to increase your linkability as much as possible. The core rules of SMO have increased in number over time to ensure that it continues to work for your business whilst ensuring that it is used ethically and with the consumer in mind.

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